International Composer collider: Poland | Ensemble musikFabrik
Sagittarius A for alto saxsophone and computer / Sagittarius A na saksofon altowy i komputer
Filp Kołodziej – saxophone / saksofon
Rings of Saturn for double bass solo / Kręgi Saturna na kontrabas solo
Rings of Saturn (Kręgi Saturna) is constructed from rings of various lengths and speeds of rotation. During the process of the piece, they are laid upon themselves, which causes different effects on one another. This happens in various places of the composition on many surfaces, eg. rhythmic, harmonic and metro-rhytmic layers. The rings also influence the formal construction and periodic character of the musical process.
Shreds of sleep for string quartet / Strzępy snu na kwartet smyczkowy
My composition ”Shreds of sleep” (Strzępy snu) is located between dream and consciousness. A feeling of the necessity of action clashes with oneiric world of sleep. Finally it becomes an obsession.
Technique aspects are focused on multivariate analysis and the processing of a theme of six sounds. The pitches are related by the golden and silver ratios. I always work in pure frequencies before I start writing. In addition, in the middle part of this particular work I transformed a melody by connecting each pair of sounds, and have made chords using sums of their frequencies.
Metasonora for orchestra / Metasonora na orkiestrę
Metasonora is the second part of my orchestral diptych. The first part is Infrasymphony for a hundred-person orchestra. Metasonora is for 25 instruments. I used in this diptych a lot different techniques, but the most importatnt and new idea is the instrumental synthesis of infrasounds. I used selected primes numbers of high natural overtones, and rhythmical translation low frequencies. (For example: Fundamental tone 5 Hz is played as the rhythm, five beats per second.)
Fugue in a hudert years ago / Fuga sprzed stu laty
This piece is in old style, but music material is used in contemporary way. The form of whole piece is the same like fugues’ theme. This fugue is totally algorithmic. I tried create maximally mathematic form and also very expressive.
Song of Guardian Angel (lullaby) / Pieśń Anioła stróża (kołysanka)
This music piece is intended for youth ensemble, students of music schools and of course other older musicians.
Feel free to ask me for score and parts in order playing this piece during lessons of chamber music, workshops, ect. !