Hungarian Radio Marble Hall
Budapest, Hungary
A selection of Liszt, Chopin and works of young, contemporary composers:
Thomas Smetryns: Springtime at the Lake Baikal
Liszt: Au lac de Wallenstadt
F. Orhun Orhon: Music for Piano (After the Symphonic Poem Les Preludes)
Liszt: Ab Irato Concert Etude
Vít Zouhar: Knots a finger points
Liszt: Valse-Impromtu
Mateusz Ryczek: Sub-deep of the Night
Liszt: Aux cyprès de la Villa d’Este
Iluminada Pérez Frutos: AL-AZHAR
Liszt: Two Legends – Saint Francis of Assisi Preaching to the Birds, Saint Francis of Paola Walking on the Water
Marcell Dargay: Légendes no. III , Le pianiste préche pour soi-méme
- - intermission – -
Liszt: Angelus
Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21
Hungarian Radio Marble Hall
Budapeszt, Węgry
Wybrane utwory Liszta, Chopina i kompozycje młodych współczesnych kompozytorów:
Thomas Smetryns: Springtime at the Lake Baikal
Liszt: Au lac de Wallenstadt
F. Orhun Orhon: Music for Piano (After the Symphonic Poem Les Preludes)
Liszt: Ab Irato Concert Etude
Vít Zouhar: Knots a finger points
Liszt: Valse-Impromtu
Mateusz Ryczek: Sub-głębia Nocy
Liszt: Aux cyprès de la Villa d’Este
Iluminada Pérez Frutos: AL-AZHAR
Liszt: Two Legends – Saint Francis of Assisi Preaching to the Birds, Saint Francis of Paola Walking on the Water
Marcell Dargay: Légendes no. III , Le pianiste préche pour soi-méme
- - przerwa – -
Liszt: Angelus
Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21